Koller Margit

szobrok, installációk, videók és fotók

Tag: installation art

Suspended – solo show

Solo show, 2019 November, Óbudai Társaskör Gallery, Budapest I haven’t designed autonomous artworks but a whole environment composed site-specifically to the given space at my solo show, called Suspended. I built a route-network where the symbolical stair- and gangways are impassable. I suspended the possibilities of the body moving through the space, as passing, crossing,

Two-A-Side – student exhibition project

From the academic year of 2017/18 I’ve started to teach a course with my supervisor, dr. habil Valéria Sass DLA. It is an interdisciplinary course, opened for most of the departments in the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, where the officially educational system separates the students for traditional, autonomous art departments as Painting, Sculpture, Graphic

I Extinguish my Memories – site-specific videoinstallation

site-specific videoinstallation, 2016-17 The retention, recollection and reinterpretation of our memories are the cornerstones of how our personalities evolve. Memories help us process our experiences, but if we relive them repeatedly, they lose their force and their significance. The video shows a path I often took as a child, a path down which I walked

Paramnesia – The Oppressiveness of the Irrepeatability of Perfection

The last group exhibition of the 6D group in 2017, Budapest Gallery. „Repetition and recollection are the same movement, except in opposite directions, for what is recollected has been, is repeated backward, whereas genuine repetition is recollected forward. Repetition, therefore, if it is possible, makes a person happy-assuming, of course, that he gives himself time

Without Threshold – diplomawork

site-specific videoinstallation, 2015 mixed technic I made a door to copy its surrounding space and time as my diplomawork. It was located in the middle of a 10 x 10 x 10 meters big studio of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. The installation had two similar sides half opened. I used the opened parts