Koller Margit

szobrok, installációk, videók és fotók

Tag: videoart

Scale – solo show with Ágnes Hardi

In 2019 a new non-profit and experimental place has opened at Budapest, in the factory building of the underground Artus Studio: the ‚Switch Space’. The curator, Judit Csanádi asked me to create a solo show there as its opening, and I designed a cooperation with Ágnes Hardi, sculptor, there. We made site-specific installations in a

Pass it on – solo show with Manuel F. Contreras

Solo show with the Colombian doucmentary filmmaker and cameraman, Manuel F. Contreras at 2B Gallery, Budapest. Curator: Varga Tünde, esztéta Press release: Manuel F. Contreras and Margit Koller are doctoral students at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest. During their studies they have discovered common traits in their creative work and artistic thinking, even

I Extinguish my Memories – site-specific videoinstallation

site-specific videoinstallation, 2016-17 The retention, recollection and reinterpretation of our memories are the cornerstones of how our personalities evolve. Memories help us process our experiences, but if we relive them repeatedly, they lose their force and their significance. The video shows a path I often took as a child, a path down which I walked