Koller Margit

szobrok, installációk, videók és fotók

Tag: family history

Placeless Practices – video with Manuel F. Contreras

This video was recorded at Zalaszegvár, Hungary, exactly where my Great-grandparents’ chateau was before 1945: the castle was destroyed by Russian soldiers and the estate has been nationalized by the communists. Concept: Margit Koller Cameraman: Manuel F. Contreras Cast: Veronika Jeszenszkyné Kölcsei (my grandmother) Éva Kollerné Jeszenszky (my mother) Margit Koller (me) and Ilona Lázár,

Measuring Memory – videoinstallation

2018.  Installation. Sound, projection, objects How many generations does it take for a person’s memory to fade completely; how long can memory be salvaged through our objects? Mária Wendt obtained her certificate from the Hungarian Royal School of Model Drawing and Teacher Training in 1920. I, as her great-grandchild, earned an MA degree in 2015