Koller Margit

szobrok, installációk, videók és fotók

Farm Atelier – group exhibition


I organized an exhibition by the summer artworkshop of SziLAC – ‘Sziki’ Land Art Camp at Pince artist-run-space, Budapest. Here are the works which were made by the students under our mentorship.

The list of the names of the participants and organizers:

Main organizers: Judit Bársony (landscape architect), András Fodor (birdcatcher and farm owner) and Eszter Kató (landscape architect).

Mentors: Balázs Almási (landscape architect) and me.

Participants: Szabolcs Almási, Eszter Beregi, Krisztina Gyuk, Bettina Heinz, Lili Imre, Marietta Mogyórosy and Fanni Ruda.

Pictures made by me and Balázs Almási.