Koller Margit

szobrok, installációk, videók és fotók

Tag: photography

100 years

This picture below is the part of my installation called Breakpoint (2B Gallery, Budapest, 2019). It tooks two parts: one photo from  ca. 1918, where my Great-grandmother was standing next to our family maison, at Zalaszegvár, Hungary, and the other photo is from 2018, where my Grandmother is standind next to the place where our

Nobody lives here anymore II.

photoseries, 2017 in cooperation with students (see more at ‘Cooperations’)   In the big Flatlant in Hungary there is a magical area where the farmers life used to be… Nowdays some young people (couples, families) try to get it back to life, but somewhere the farm buildings are totally abandoned. The Borka Farm’s last owner